
Trip. Tate Gallery 2

In Tate London, there are some works by Henry Moore, and some more others.

Notice the smaller drafts ...
the shape
of the head of the man...
different from the large version.

was he trying to say something??

Famous. Henry Moore. Reclining figure.

This is viewing from three angles
of the same bronze sculpture.

this piece
below with thin strips of colour ....
from another modern artist....
Even if it is the first of its kind to study the optical illustion of colour,
I still think it is odd to put it in Tate Britain London. 

Then, this piece...
a sphere-like form... not unlike a coconut with its colour scheme...

The piece below ...
a fat crumsy block

said to be a depiction
of biblical story/scene.
Title :
Jacob Wrestling Angel...

No need to depict
the tiny body part there.
Did the artist
try to stir up
discussion / criticism ?

Luckily, nearby,
this realistic  modern piece,
of a mother & daughter,
is more pleasing to eyes.

part 3. Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood
part 4 Blake
part 5 Turner & Constable
part 6 Interior and some sculpture outdoor.

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