
Food expo VegFest Brighton 2019 part 1

VegFest Brighton 2019. Over 200 stalls of different products predominantly food.
Tasting, shopping, talks,  cooking demo, etc.
Alcohol, clothing, skin care, make up, accessories, charities, cooking demonstrations, exhibitions...

Going to expo is nice experience. Shops from far away places gather in one place. Expo special promotional prices. Tasting. Even price draws. Talks and cooking demonstration...

I bought electronic ticket beforehand.
Arriving around late lunch time.
Food first.

Though I do fancy an ocassional pie, since there are many other choices upstairs,
I quickly walked passed stalls of pies.

Among various cuisines, I chose this
pulled jackfruit bun. Interesting contrast.
(I tried some others before)
From Manchester.

The container is  composable vegware.

Ha! KFS, not KFC.
Sei-tan is a plant based protein.

 Many choices in each stall.
All plant-based.
Inspirational ideas.

This one below is lovely. Free tasting of Thai curry jackfruit with rice.  Jackfruit in brine each can only GBP 1.
  They also sell banana blossom, many sauces, coconut milk, coconut condensed milk, coconut evaporated milk, coconut cream... 

This, free tasting lots of cake desserts. 
All plant-based.

Busy tasting different plant-based, nut-based cheese products, forgotten to take photos. Ferme is nice. 3 flavours of cashews fermentino.

The exotic Berma/ Myanmar salad  Lahpet Thoke with fermented tea leaves is also nice. I had forgotten to take photo and these are from their postcard.

6 different protein shakes to try.
Cocoa, banana, blue berries, peanut butter, etc.  

More stalls in part 2.
Exhibtion in part 3.

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