
Baking experiment cookie 2: non-diary organic cookie with cinamon vanilla ginger

Baking experiment 2 with cookies kit.

Continue to use the 2nd half of the cookie kit from Scratch & Grain Baking but with a small variation.

I replaced dairy butter with coconut butter & coconut oil.

I used less flour, less sugar.
Smaller free-ranged happy egg. 

Egg whrisked with sugar, add sieved flour.

Melted coconut butter, vanilla, 
baking powder, then add flour.

Mix the two.

Added a hint of cinnamon powder 8 ginger powder. 

Dusted with sugar crystals.

....I did not use parchment "paper" or baking "paper", so as to avoid synthetic resin chemicals or alike. 

I only greased the glass tray with raw organic coconut oil.

The first time I took it out, it was not quite done. Maybe because I only put it near the oven door. 

I put it back nearer to the fire.
Again on top rack.

Nice scent fill the whole house.

It is more like 
a crossover between cookie and maccaron. Ha !

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