
Why try to extend our lifespan?

A close friend and family have asked me
why go to that length and be bothered
with all those avant garde healthy diets choices,
avoiding harmful food/chemicals/pollution. ヽ(ˇヘˇ)ノ
Many people mistakenly thought that life is tough.
Why extend lifespan?

1. 💰 MONEY $ € £ ¥  $ £ ¥ € $ £ ¥ $
Health is part of our wealth,
    reduce our medical expenses.

2. 😌 Good to avoid, or minimise,
    physical  pain / discomfort.

    Enjoy longer active life.

3. Responsible & Love 
     maximise health
    = prevent illness
    = minimise the 😓troubles & emotional pain
       caused to family & friends.

4. 📢There are greedy & ignorant
    corporations & gov't officials
    (whose priority is financial profits).
   💢 The use of
  cheap harmful chemical ingredients,
   materials & processes,
   jeopodising people's health,
   & polluting our biosphere,
   food chains & food supplies.
  💢 No effective monitoring, control,
   labelling or prevention yet.
   So  💪  It is up to us
   to protect ourselves & our loved ones. 
   Some awareness, alertness, sense of crisis
   are needed to do so.

5. We are civilized well-educated people
    with ability to learn 📝.
   Not to be misled or fooled
   by corporations, propagandas, etc.
   Let's try to be smart consumers.  (⌒_⌒)
   We can try to live the best.
6. We can rectify / re-balance: 
   (I confess  my weakness
   with dessert & chocolate)

   Have you been eating...
   junk food, too much sugar or salt?
   Too much alcohol or cigarretts chemicals?
   Defrosted frozen food deep fried in week-old bad oil?
  We can un-learn wrong info,
   wrong eating habits & bad lifestyle,
   We can balancing the book
   with more healthier choices
   eg, learning real correct info,
   establishing better eating habits,
   & living better life style.
7. Respect our 🌟 design director 🎨,
    creator of our universe, ur God :
    eat, drink, live properly;
    be healthy, stay healthy
    physically & psychologically,

    Ever fancy the user manual of our bodies?

    A) Try search this verse: Genesis 1:29
    (HINT: food = plants which bear seeds) 🌱

   B) Try search this verse : 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
    (HINT: rejoyce, pray, be thankful)  ♬♪♫

    And the Old Testament: 
    Back then, living 200 years is not a dream.
    Even given our heavily polluted food chains & food supply,
    if we try our best, 100 should be easy.
8) 💎 Rationally, scientific evidence🔎
  💡Our whole biological designs are not for eating meat.
  💡Release ourselves from the brainwashing propagandas
     of the meat industries/ food corporations.

9. 🐾 Tried path, revived  O:)
Around the world
    throughout the past few millenniums, 
    the typical way of life or path
  ~ to improve the ☆ well-being 
      of our bodies, minds & souls;
  ~ to increase "energy"☆ levels,
  ~ to be more sensitive and receptive :
   easier to receive enlightenment & spiritual wisdom
   // to be more spiritual
   💋 eating real unprocessed food like
    eating more raw vegan,
   💋 stop eating corpses
    (which have antibiotics, medicine, GMO feed,
    growth hormons, puses, corpse toxin),
   💋 fasting occasionally,
   💋 simplicity/stillness/quietness/calmness,
   💋 joy, thankfulness, pray/faith/hope, etc,
10. We want 
  more healthy happy time
  with our
👫 loved ones💑,
    don't we?
11.    :)  🎺📷🎱🎤🎡🍸🐬
Get more out of life living healthier longer!

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