
Baking7 GlutenFree Banana Cake

I like banana & cake.
My sister insisted me to try the recipe she found in pots & pans website.

I am making a smaller batch. So, I reduce some of the ingredients.
For some, I use alternatives. I did not follow the original video*.
(recipe below)

Soaked the flax seeds with hemp milk.
Crushed some mixed nuts.
Melted the butter and added in the sugar.
Whisk the eggs.
Meshed the banana. Then mixed.
Sieved in the flour & sodium bicarbonate.
Sour cream, vanilla extract, salt.
(if you use yeast, add salt later in the process)
(here, doesn't matter)

I use half the flour & sugar. Still so much!
I need two baking containers.
My first time trying a ciruclar stoneware bowl.
Well, it is just a relatively low temperature this time.

 Actually I checked from time tot time.
After 20 minutes the whole house
is already full of lovely smell.
The cake has grown in size.

The colour is partly because of the sugar
and partly because I start with slightly higher temperature.

The bottom view of them...
Some websites recommend cooling some type of cakes upside-down.
I will try, though it doesn't matter for this cake.
 I have made with a higher proportion of butter & extra hemp milk.
The rectangular one come out like this.
I stored the other half in sealed bag in fridge.
Still moist the next day.

I eat the round one the day after (middle slice)
Just stored in kitchen in a stoneware pot.

Recipe of my gluten free sour cream banana cake/bread
IngredientsP&P originalSome I use less & some I use alternative
Butter, melted0.5 cupCoconut Butter
4 tbsp aprox.
Sugar1 cupDemerara Sugar
8 tbsp
Egg *22
whisked well.
Flour, sieved1.5 cup

13 tbsp
Gluten free flour,
Baking soda1 tsp1 tsp
Banana, ripe22
Sour cream0.5 cup8 tbsp
Vanilla extract1 tsp1 tsp
0.5 cup
0.2 cup
mixed nuts
& 2 tbsp of flax seeds soaked with 3 tbsp of hemp milk
Salt0.5 tsp0.5 tsp
MixingMix all
with electric mixer
Mix with
folk & spoon
manually; in separate bowls,
in particular sequence.

Gas Mark 6 for 10 min, Gas Mark 5 for 30 minutes, Gas Mark 4 for 20 minutes, Turn off. Leave it there for 10 minutes. So the top is a bit  dark. Next time I shall just use Gas Mark 5.

I googled the conversions of
measurements & temperature/settings.
Not pasting here.
But basically...
1 cup =16 table spoons.
I use half = 8 tbsp .

1.5 cup = 24 tbsp
0.75 cup = 12-13 tbsp.

tbsp = table spoon
tsp   = tea spoon.

I mixed butter & sugar,
added meshed banana,
Then, I kept mixing while i added:
the seived flours, baking power, nuts,
sour cream, salt....

After baking, cool off on metal rack.

The rectangular one,
I ate half on the day, and half the next day.
The circular one,
I ate half the next day and hlaf on the day after.
Why I use gluten-free flour?
-- try it for yourself to reduce or cut wheat & gluten  :)

Why I use coconut butter?
-- reduce the use of animal products
and dislike artificial synthetic butter.

Why I use demerara sugar?
-- two friends who studied biology & chemistry,
a translation PhD, a doctor... at least 4 persons told me not to eat white sugar.
Brown sugar is also 95 % white sugar bathed in molass solution.
Demerara sugar is less refined. Not the top range but good enough here.
Try get the organic raw sugar whenever you can.
I also have coconut sugar at home, but that is not sweet enough for this recipe.

Why not yeast?
-- I could have. There are other recipes with yeast.
Yeast need a very warm temperature and time to work the magic.
I want a faster process for this bread/cake.
-- I rarely buy any eggs for many seasons.
Ideally the best eggs should come from hens a family raised in backyard with organic feed, and provide good welfare and environment for hens to roam about. No medicine, hormones or anti-biotics. No injections of vaccines.
Sorry this time they are no available.
I could only get Happy Egg's good welfare free-range eggs this time.

Sour Cream?
-- Thick & creamy indulgence.
I think there are also non-dairy sour cream
available on www or make your own.

*IMHO: though I am not a good chef, I know that
good chef should know the special combinations,
reasons & sequence of adding ingredients.
Whether it is seasoning, baking,
or other type of cooking.
The sequence/order of doing things make a difference. )

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