
baking experiment cookie 1

This is just a note📝 to jot down my learning process.
This was the first attempt with cookies, using half of a cookie kit.

I saw a lovely cookie kit
from Portland, Oregon, USA,
which use organic ingredients.
All ingredients are packed in
 individual well-labeled transparent bags.

User only needs to add egg & butter.
Straight forward. Easy.

But since it is my first attempt,
I did not want to eat a full load of stuff myself.
I went by half.

 However, I didn't measure but go by proximity.
 So, I used a little more egg & butter than needed.

The result is imaginable, softer than cookie.
The thin parts are like cookies.
The thicker parts are like... soft cookies.

No proper cookie tray.
I use a glass tray.

No baking sheet or parchment paper.
I notice that many have synthetic materials.
I just oiled the tray well.

 It was meant to be a quick experiment.
I did not use or do the icing part.
I just sprinkle those naturally coloured sugar crystals on top.

I use a fork to add perforation.

Break them apart along the dotted line before cooling.

I learnt 2 lessons:

  1.  when the batch is small,
    the exact quantity of ingredients is important.
  2. where  the tray is placed inside an oven matters.
    Not just upper, middle or lower rack,
    but also nearer the source of heat,
    nearer to the door, or
    in between.

    Temperature affect baking time;
     and both affects
    the colour & texture.
  3.  Using coconut butter makes the cookies coconut cookies. 

Wisdom increased.

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