
Year End Reflections 2016A

Time to reflect upon my 2016. Experience, lessons learned...

Bad experience & challenges prompt us to desiring solution & better ideals.
(Growth / Improvement can be resulted)

Crisis / incident

1)  Short version:
after 10 months of helping a stranger (an eldery lady Mrs H) since last Autumn, eventually I found out that I was being manipulated. She is a very experienced manipulative person with strong character. I tasted the many tactics she used. (Parts of the experience was so horrible that I had to shut my ears, close my eyes and keep praying on the spot. )

I found her a carehome. Eventually, problem solved, justice done.


Worst as it were, it also give me lessons -
 learning about & reflecting about my other relationships.

a) How to spot & handle such behaviour/people? 
    Have I been manipulated? 
    Is someone in my circle manipulative?
   (see resources below)

b) Who else I know suffered from others' manipulation, too ?
    (good to share this - so they can be informed & help themselves)

c) Have I manipulated?
    (if so, find other healthier solutions)

++  Causes of the situation:

21 years of institutional education & family upbringing
didn't equip me how to spot & handle such people/behaviours.

++ Suggestion for Solution:

::  praying  +
    pray with strong feeling/emotions for protection & solution.
::  self-learning the how-tos +
    Thankful for people sharing their know-how on www & other media.
::  find ways to re-balance our emotions/moods/thoughs

:: remember that to have   FAITH, HOPE, LOVE.
There are solutions.

++ Resources : (some; good read)

"Manipulative people: how to spot them, how to manage them"
(Dan Munro; Biznews dot com; 2014.01.11)
(from Beginners's Guide managing manipulation; under30ceo dot com)

"How to Recognize and Handle Manipulative Relationships"
(Preston Ni  MSBA; Psychology Today; 2014.07.13)

"How to Deal with Manipulative People" Part one & Part Two
(Ryan Murdock; EarlyToRise dot com)

"30 Signs of Emotional Abuse In A Relationship "
(Barnie Davenport; LiveBold&Bloom dot com)

"The 15 Types of Toxic Relationships"
(Natalia Avdeeva; LovePanky dot com)

"10 Unmistakable Signs You’re Being Emotionally Manipulated By Your Partner"
(Fabida Abdulla; New Love Times dot com;

"10 Things You Should Never Overlook in a relationship"
(Siddartha Bose; New Love Times dot com; 2016.05.19)

"The 12 Golden rules" of a Happy Long-lasting relationship"
[12 simple tips for relationship bliss]
(Alex Alexander; Your Tango dot com)

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