
Trip. Tate Gallery 3

In Tate London, there are  famous pieces of works by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in the main building exhibition halls. (romantic, symbolism)

There are also more works put elsewhere in the same building...
but first you need a map.

Then it is a long walk along other halls.
Then climb up stairs...
Then, in a room,
much quieter
and less people,
dimmer light...

Pencial drawings!!!
And lovely shapes
of the
mounting matt board
made for the drawings !!!

girl praying

text explaining PreRaphaelite brotherhood works on paper

pencil draft for  the painting Jesus with parents

Draft study is different from the finished work. Interesting to see drafts.

Part 4: William Blake

Part 5: Turner & Constable

Part 6 : Interior & other sculptures.

Part 2: Henry Moore
Part 1: Tate Gallery London, first 1.5 hour

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