
visit a small art gallery

Sometimes I do not have the patience to wait for galleries to change their exhibitions which usually run for 1 to 3 months. Some galleries organized short tours of their stocks. $$.
Each "tour-guide" staff may show differnt things.
Some smaller drawings/paintings are in boxes.
including Henry Moore's study of elephant skull.
This is an very old poster related to one of the paintings
showing how the artist get a model to post for a flying angel.

This is a painting Landscape, joining many smaller ones together.
This artist Mr. John Virtue does not use colour.
Still inspiring.
Also saw his big painting of the sea.


Summer walk by sea on hill

Let us be our own best friend.
So, one weekend of fine weather, I took myself for a walk.
After buying a take-away lunch box from
the much-recommended restaurant at the back of the Grand Hotel,
and enjoying it sitting on bench on the promenade viewing the sea,
  leisurely walked along to the end of the promenade,
passed the cafe, up a slope, passed a garden,
and up a slope.

These places I have not been to before.

Because there is no signal for the mobile phone
at that part of beach and slope,
I have no map.

A little exploration trip.

Fresh air. Blue sky. Green grass.

Change of scene.
Change of altitude / view.
Change of air.

A panorama photo of the view...
panorama of sea sky slope 2000 pixels wide


comparision & learning

Through comparison, we can learn better.  #

Recently I had tried to compare various English translations of Luke 24:42-44.
Is Honeycomb in your bible? It is missing in many versions.
Try online interactive resources like:
BibleGateway,  BibleHub,  BibleStudyTools




Then, what about the books?

Then, someone has a visitor named Tobias.
Hey, that is a name of one of the books in Catholic Bible.
Searching & comparing....
numbers of books are different in the versions of bible by
Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox church!!!!!!!

English & Chinese bilingual data
(Traditional Chinese text for HongKong & Taiwan friends)

Old Testaments.
books    version:
24    Jewish Tanakh
39    Protestant
46    Catholic
51    Eastern Orthodox

Originally I just wanted to find out the bilingual names and acronyms...


Then I noticed the information...


Even just talking about the names of the books,
there are different translations/versions between them.

 the variations of actual text
in the many English versions alone are amazing if not shocking.

There are so many versons.
If I were to choose one or two versions,
 which is/are the best?
The Catholic bibles have more books than Protestant bibles. 
(Wikipedia do states that Protestant version and Jewish Tanakh
 are similar in the quantity of content in the Old Testament,
 just the arrangement & dividing of books vary.)


visit a gallery / exhibition in July (with photos)

I went to a small art gallery to have a look of exhibition
of works gathered by open-to-public call or submission.

As with any thing which involve selection,
no two persons have the same taste.
I cannot agree with the selection panels' taste.

Some of the works,
I would say, more suitable for local history museum.

Some works are just a series of photographics,
not of particular photographic skills or achievement...
of old places before they become history.

A piece of work is just a protest statement uglily written with paint brush in colour
about whether he should use the money to join the exhibition
or to buy a hat.
old car with video inside

A piece of work is multimedia: a video playing inside a real car -
really old car of the 50s/60s,
about the various owners of the car and where had it been.

A set of work is "toxic" made in a synthetic resin toy figure & related items in same colours.
( I did not bother to take photo of them at all)

A set of painting by a patient painting her father swiming in strange mask & costume.
(is it the judge has pity on the patient?)

A piece of work is a room with interior surface fully stuck messily
with scam/hoax of ads luring people
by telling them they have won big money.
( didn't take photo of that room ; smelly)

These two photos : 

Close-up photos of two eldery people in a care home.

Some people will say installation art is art because they make people think.
Just like the Marcel Duchamp's urinal titled Fountain.

Well, there are some pieces of works which are of some interest.

Ceramics urns in shapes of buildings

Ceramics urns in shapes of buildings.
But, at the back, on wall, someone paint enlarged colour btis CMYK printing of products.
I couldn't believe that they were selected.

A big piece of cut burnt wood pieces to remind people of a fire which burnt down a local landmark.

"Empty corner" of empty shop painted on cardboard.

A piece of work is an illuminating piece which look like 3 pieces of wood panel commonly used in art gallery/museums.

Oil and enamal splashes of at least interesting reaction and flow of metalic colour.

(forgotten to take picture)
A set of works are embroidery threads on canvas stiching the countryside tour routes over something like enlarged contour line map.

Some are marginal between craft and art I would say,

Luckily they also shown some of the works of those not-selected
as small print on photocopy paper. 
Each image is less then A5 though.

colour prints of submissions which had not been selected into the exhibition.

A few I would select instead.

At least they are in more traditional sense of art/painting.
That gallery had problems before for including too many modern abstract art.
I understand that aesthetics is not the only criteria of art.
Beauty and Art are in the eyes of the beholder.

Do you think
 any piece of work
with the artist statement saying they are
trying to ponder certain issue(s) in life or in society
and given a strange mocking title,
 is art worthy to be included in gallery?

Is visual philosophy really counted as art ?

Or, is it just a big PR event to encourage visual art activities?

(it is a free exhibition open to the public)