
Quick stroll gallery artwork & gallery shop, with music

Enjoy a quick stroll of beautiful artwork / art / design
with light music... 

peaceful time recently with beauties in nature

Sukura flowers seen in a park earlier in March/April.

Then, moving on to May & June...

Interesting flowers seen in the front garden of a house.

These simple flowers below are seen near seaside promenade.


lively... lake ... seen in a park.

 seen in a park

Have a nice day!! 

churches/ buildings...

Seen some churches. Old and new.

This one is old. With cemetry ground around.

 This one is small. As it is near a market,
 it has been a long relationship with local actors, baskering performers...

This is newer one.

This is from yet another newer type  of

Some like this a cathedral. Asking tourists to pay £xx to visit.

modern building... Exterior facade in style of a castle .

another old style  church.

There have been churches destroyed
by change of political power,
shrinking of Christian populations
or too expensive to repair/maintain...

There are churches (not showing here)
which have been transformed into
 other types of venues by new owners,
like galleries, shops, museums, community centres, residential blocks...