
Trip. Tate Gallery 6

Inside the Tate Britain London Gallery,
since it is an art gallery, generally most things are nice.

Including the interior. Colour, forms, etc.

(maybe they think it is an educational place
and that many students will visit...
the soft colourful decoration was used. )
Though it may not be everyone's cup of tea. 

Large paintings on walls. Just to share the view.
This room, the wall is red.
There was a group listening to someone talking about a painting.

spiral staircase

above front door

Same piece of sculpture;
view from the other side.
Modern work.


metal work in garden gates

Even the gate outside
has interesting metal work. 


Time to catch the coach back. Nice day out!

Trip. Tate Gallery 5

Tate Gallery: Tate Britain in London. Part 5.
Typical English famous painters : Turner & Constable.
Before camera, paintings capturing the beauty of landscape, nature & society are great record of history.

Whether they are 100% realistic is not important though.
Artists often has "artistic license".

I like the large paintings in golden colour sculptured picture frames...
they often remind people of the golder era...
where societies value art...
and, artists can made a living.

The rich patrons can commission or buy large paintings to put on the walls of their very big stately homes and holiday villas.

AND, that was before anyone can easily copy-and-paste and reproduce.

Artists do not even need to registered trade mark
or to think about how to protect their intellectual properties.

Turner, Constable, etc, are lucky guys.

May all artworks and artists be appreciated and well rewarded. 

text about Turner

about John Constable


As with all artists & deisngers,
their sketchbooks
are interesting.

For better viewing & understanding of the pictures above and more:
1A- check Tate Gallery website.

1B- get books about their works.
2- go to Tate Gallery.  :)

more views of interior & some outdoor sculptures.


Trip. Tate Gallery 4

Tate Gallery London also put some of the works of William Blake
in the upper floor smaller room, near the Pre-Raphaellite Brotherhood's works.

If Blake was born in 20th century, he could be working in Hollywood or for DC Comics??

William Blake's
of religious
/ faith
/ Christian believes
/ Bible theme.
Visionary /

text about William Blake

text about the watercolour & tempora works by William Black

WIlliam Blake: The Body of Christ Borne to the Tomb c.1799–1800

The Body of Christ Borne to the Tomb c.1799–1800

Jesus & children under tree

William Blake's well-known works "The Ancient of Days" or "Newton" is not included.

William Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827)
was an English poet, painter, and printmaker-illustrator.

Wiliam Blake ranked 38th in the BBC's poll of the 100 Greatest Britons (2002)
Tate had held an exhibition of William Blake's work in 2000-2001.

More of his works:
Friends of William Blake
Short info at BBC website:

NEXT:  Turner & Constable.

Trip. Tate Gallery 3

In Tate London, there are  famous pieces of works by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in the main building exhibition halls. (romantic, symbolism)

There are also more works put elsewhere in the same building...
but first you need a map.

Then it is a long walk along other halls.
Then climb up stairs...
Then, in a room,
much quieter
and less people,
dimmer light...

Pencial drawings!!!
And lovely shapes
of the
mounting matt board
made for the drawings !!!

girl praying

text explaining PreRaphaelite brotherhood works on paper

pencil draft for  the painting Jesus with parents

Draft study is different from the finished work. Interesting to see drafts.

Part 4: William Blake

Part 5: Turner & Constable

Part 6 : Interior & other sculptures.

Part 2: Henry Moore
Part 1: Tate Gallery London, first 1.5 hour


Trip. Tate Gallery 2

In Tate London, there are some works by Henry Moore, and some more others.

Notice the smaller drafts ...
the shape
of the head of the man...
different from the large version.

was he trying to say something??

Famous. Henry Moore. Reclining figure.

This is viewing from three angles
of the same bronze sculpture.

this piece
below with thin strips of colour ....
from another modern artist....
Even if it is the first of its kind to study the optical illustion of colour,
I still think it is odd to put it in Tate Britain London. 

Then, this piece...
a sphere-like form... not unlike a coconut with its colour scheme...

The piece below ...
a fat crumsy block

said to be a depiction
of biblical story/scene.
Title :
Jacob Wrestling Angel...

No need to depict
the tiny body part there.
Did the artist
try to stir up
discussion / criticism ?

Luckily, nearby,
this realistic  modern piece,
of a mother & daughter,
is more pleasing to eyes.

part 3. Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood
part 4 Blake
part 5 Turner & Constable
part 6 Interior and some sculpture outdoor.