
other adventure - lazy baking??

Today I try baking! 

This is one small piece of the batch.

Does it look ok?
I used mixed grain mixed seeds bread mix.

I chose a special bread mix. It has

wheat flour,  
malt flour (wheat & barley),
rye flour,
chickpea flour,

malt wheat 9%,
oat flakes 5%,
pearl barley flakes0.5%,

golden linseeds 2.5%,
brown linseeds 1%,
poppy seeds 1%,
sunflower seeds 0.5%,

sugar, dextrose,

minimal chemicals: (emulsifier E472e, ascorbic acid) 

Suitable for vegetarian. 

mixed bread mix with water
Add some water and mixed.

I added a little extra tiny bits of 

yeast, a tiny sprinkle of sugar.  

Waited for 5 minutes.

knead a little & wait for  5 minutes.

Original recipe suggested  bread-mix-water ratio for hand baking as

500 g : 300 ml. Let it rise for 30 minutes. Bake for 30 minutes.
Since the volume is small,
I reduce them. 

Covered and waited for 40 minutes.

Though it didn't raise much, I still put it into oven.

Baked for 15 minutes. Left in oven for 5 minutes. 
Tested with a fork. Not sticky.

The 1st time I tried baking,
I was in junior secondary school.
Then ....when I was in my university years,
I tried mini custard tarts.

So, today ... kind of an experiment.
Small batch only.

Ingredients used:

10 heaped-full soup spoons of the bread mix.

15 soup spoons of water. 

(oil I used for the ceramic container: coconut oil & sesame oil)

p.s. I serve it with sticky balsamic vinegar.

I didn't use my hands to knead, just spoons.
( This bread mix can be used in baking machine
- different flour: water ratios are giving on the package,
90 minutes.)

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