
Trip. Tate Gallery 5

Tate Gallery: Tate Britain in London. Part 5.
Typical English famous painters : Turner & Constable.
Before camera, paintings capturing the beauty of landscape, nature & society are great record of history.

Whether they are 100% realistic is not important though.
Artists often has "artistic license".

I like the large paintings in golden colour sculptured picture frames...
they often remind people of the golder era...
where societies value art...
and, artists can made a living.

The rich patrons can commission or buy large paintings to put on the walls of their very big stately homes and holiday villas.

AND, that was before anyone can easily copy-and-paste and reproduce.

Artists do not even need to registered trade mark
or to think about how to protect their intellectual properties.

Turner, Constable, etc, are lucky guys.

May all artworks and artists be appreciated and well rewarded. 

text about Turner

about John Constable


As with all artists & deisngers,
their sketchbooks
are interesting.

For better viewing & understanding of the pictures above and more:
1A- check Tate Gallery website.

1B- get books about their works.
2- go to Tate Gallery.  :)

more views of interior & some outdoor sculptures.

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