
Healthy 1person meals fusion

In Winter, most people prefer something hot.
I will do it in a ratio. Maybe 40 to 60 % of my food are raw.

Apart from fruits, here are some of what I made & ate... 

I like variations. Don't you?

With different seasonings, good salt, spices, herbs, sesame oil,
half a teaspoon of chilli oil, mixed pepper, ginger powder, etc. 
Extra virgin olive oil.

Olives are lovely.

Japanese mini natto is a learned acquired taste.

 I like to have a little bit of raw onion in my food for its health properties.

For the soup pasta/noodle,
 I like a fusion of Japanese style with Italuan pasta. 

Organic ones are nice. 
Tricolor are pleasant for eyes.

Tofu with seaweed in red miso paste to make muso suru.
Pink Himalaya rock salt.  Mixed pepper crushed.
E.V. olive oil & chilli seaseme oil.

Enjoy 😘

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