

Misunderstood. That is what I feel when I read how our God & our Saviour Jesus Christ (Yeshu/Joshua) had experienced in the biblical time.

Anyway, communication is a very delicate thing that need high levels of competence , intelligence, plus the science & art of how to avoid communication breakdown. Text communication easily caused problems. Translated text and translated ancient text even more problems.

1 of the typical examples,
when God & Jesus talked about kingdom, people, there, back then, imagined it would be Earthly political power kind of thing, to defeat invaders & restore political authority.

Did the trinity God know the levels of comprehension & misunderstanding?

Mordern days, almost every city people know and even have to do some marketing. Marketing keywords / marketing talk ?

Anyway, what we can now make use of are the many translations, and to pray that the Holy Spirit guide us to understand better.

Credit, image created with 
YouVersion Bible app. Mark 8:35. AMPC.

Ever wonder,
the Trinity God
 come to visit us in this era, 
how would 
present & preach
 the Truth, the Way, the Life? 

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