
Summer 2017

What I did this Summer June to August?

Apart from the Airbourne & a bit of part-time job...
and apart from a number of ice-cream...

~  watched literture-grade Japanes animation saga "Inuyasha"
  (highly educational, thought-provoking.)

~ 2 South Korean TV dramas.

~ joined local sketchers to start sketching again, once a month.

~ created a few piece of visual art & posted on social media platforms.

~ my mum & sister visited me; and there were gathering of family
  (except dad, nephew, sister-in-law.)

~ I heard that one of my cousins got married.
   I will need to rebuild from zero with MS Excel a family tree or two.
  (the original file was lost after three hard discs were out of order.)

~ continue & started a few short daily reading plan with Bible.com's Bible app.

~ completed reading Vaughan Roberts's "God's Big Picture"
 and  started to read "Revelation" very slowly,
bypassing many other books though.
What a Summer !

Some people like to travel during Summer.
I may try next year.

Thankful for the nice weather.
I take sunshin as God's touch for me. 

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