
Passion Play Easter

Outdoor drama live performance with large crowds without seats
demands higher standards than indoor ones.

Originally I attended a live relay of such a live drama/play.
Yet, due to weather and technical issues,
 the organisation played a DVD version
 of previous year - not sure which year.

The location? Trafalgar Square, just outside National Gallery !!
Lots of buses and tourists around. 
2017 version video:  (90 minutes)
Passion Of Jesus

Later today on online news I saw that
the group Wintershall Players carried on the play outdoor,
 despise the cold rain and near freezing temperature(1-5°C).
Costumes of actors are wet.
 Some scenes the leading male actor
only wears underwear, bear feet,
 and rolls on the outdoor cement ground.
COLD!  They do it for free !!!

Credit: 2018 photos by Press Association

Previous year Still photos slideshow :  (5 minutes approx.)
This morning I think of this song.
Personally I did not listen to those
modern groups with drums & electric guitars...
but I heard the version with church organ, violin, keyboard in church before.
 My Jesus My Saviour // Shout to the Lord   (4m30s)

Passion Play =
a drama depicting the scenes in Bible of JesusChrist
entering Jerusalem, Last Supper, til His death & resurrection.

Wintershall Players...  live performance at Trafalgar Square, London, England, UK.
They have website and Facebook.
They also do it in other locations around UK.

people and churches name hymns sometimes
by the title of the songs, or the first line of the songs.

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