
A quick visit to a plant-based themed small expo in Brighton vegan festival

Personally I had been to art & craft expo, design expo, motor industry expo, pharmaceutical expo.  Often expo-goers can see /experience/ taste things way before the mass see them in high syrret shops/ supermarkets.  Nice๐Ÿ˜„

Since I may not be travelling to London for the big one mext month, so, on Saturday I went briefly to the small one organised by Viva!

Hilton Metropole Brighton.

 It has catering hall, talks and many different kinds of stalls in the large hall.
 Not too big - a comfortable size.  
I got some nice stuff.

I only managed to go there around 4 pm. Official entrance fee on the door is a fiver. But there were early birds tickets & other packages.  

(No need to walk all the way from hotel main entrance.  Use the side entrance from Cannon Street  to the exhibition hall.)

To avoid missing things out, and to prevent impulse buying, I started with a quick walk through. Then I got a mixed fruit juice before revisited some stalls. 

I could not buy everything I was interested in but good to see interesting things. 

The guy at the artisan green tea and macha stall  gave me 2 magazines๐Ÿ˜„ which he got from other stalls.  So as a recipocate gesture, I bought a pair of wooden chopsticks from his stall. (I could not drink tea that quick after the juice)  That stall sells nice glass tea pots, ceramic tea cups, too. And macha protein balls.

 In the 2 magazines,  and the official Viva magazine(not photoed), there are lots of recipes and useful informations.

I only bought a Spanish ceramic grating dish, and a natural hand-made shampoo soap bar.  Ha!

Another thing I surprisedyself is I only picked up a leaflet or two, plus, from the general area outside the hall a Great Taste Book 2017-18.

Many people have misconceptions about vegan "festivals" . They are basically another themed expositions (expo) , or  exhibitions ,  where products, services & talks , music, etc, took place. 

๐Ÿ‘ซWho are interested in such event?

Those who care about
๐ŸŒณHealth, youth, beauty, healing.
๐ŸŒณ Envirnoment
๐ŸŒณ Spiritual & religious purity,
virtues & integrity
๐ŸŒณ Catering / beverage

Diary-free egg-free versions
of chocolate, cakes & desserts...
Kind products...

And naturally , related  businesses showcase their products & services under one roof. Handy, isn't it?
The first time I tried plant based and raw vegan stuff was about 9 or 10 years ago from a particulat pioneering group far away from where I live. Not much choices in where I lived.

Isn't it that such "festival",  or expo , a nice way to see things outside high street shops and see beyond the limitations of average supermarket? ๐Ÿ’ก

๐Ÿ˜„Good to see more plant-based food, drinks, snacks, etc , are reaching different supermarkets & shops this year.

❤May all people live a healthy life with plant-based food.