
Trip London 201711 C National Gallery

Continue: National Gallery.
After Gallery A or Room A, I went to Room 28 on Level 2.

"Belshazzar's Feast" ,  Rembrandt.  1635.  66 inches x 82.4 inches.

By Rembrandt the famous Dutch painter!
This painting is about the story written in the Holy Bible - Old Testament - Danial.

(Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar looted the Temple in Jerusalem
and has stolen the sacred artefacts such as golden cups.
His son Belshazzar used these cups for a feast .
Suddenly the hand of God appeared
and wrote the inscription on the wall
prophesying the downfall of Belshazzar's reign.
They didn't understand what it meant. ) 

Have you heard of the saying "The writing is on the wall" ?
 It means there is warning about the wrong thing people are doing.
It comes from that Bible story.

Then, Room 29...

 "The Annunciation" Nicolas Poussin, 1657.  104.3 x 103.1 cm
Angel Gabriel tells virgin Mary about what will happen to her. This story is in the Holy Bible, New Testament, Luke 1:26-35.
The pigeon means holy spirit. 
There are different paintings with the same theme.

When I was in kindergarten,
once there was a simple play performance
that I was made to try the role of the angel. 

(but I didn't know it was a male angel)

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The Adoration of the Shepherds, about 1640, The Le Nain Brothers
[ Antoine (about 1600 - 48), Louis (about 1603 - 48), Mathieu (about 1607 - 77)]

Room 24:

This painting is big. Much taller than me.

"Christ before the High Priest", 1617, Gerard van Honthorst, 272 x 183 cm.

The Dutch painter made it while living in Rome of Italy.

This is the close up.

The story is in all 4 gospels in the New Testament in the Holy Bible.
e.g. Matthew 26: 57-66.


 I went to join a 1-hour guided tour with art curator.

To be continued...

National Gallery Guided Tour (Saturday afternoon)

If you would like what happened earlier:
  Part A

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