
Trip London 201711 E

Next, China Town. It's dark already.
So the place is getting busy with visitors.
These two were taken earlier behind the National Gallery.

 China Town is near Leicester Square.

(but I learnt not to believe the estimated timing listed in any map
which must have been done by
a very tall strong youngster who know all the short cuts?)

Originally I was looking for something so
I got inside SeeWoo mini supermarket.
(It is not too convenient go to the hyper big one in Croydon.)
So crowded.
I couldn't find the two items I was looking for.
Squeezed in another also crowded snack shop.
I saw moon cakes in HK brand names but printed in Simplified Chinese.
偽もの Nisemono!
A number of shops in China town bear the same names of famous shops
 or restaurants in HK are totally unrelated pretenders.

Be very careful  ! ! ! ! !

This time, the bread in bakery shops did not tickle my fancy either.

I picked up free Chinese newsapaper from the boxes.
(sadly, most are pro-Beijing, except the Epoch Times.)

Time to head back to Japan Centre .
Good that they have vegan choices.
This time I resisted the urge to eat sashimi.
The shop is busy. Long queue.
As time is running out,
I only quickly grabbed a pack of avocado sushi
and a pack-of -4 non-GMO mini natto.
(Pity that they do not stock organic version)

Just in time to get back on coach by 17:25.

The coach went past this theatre showing The Phantom of the Opera.

21th century version of the old British red double-decker.
More see-through at the back
but people can no longer hop on there. 😆
It got a curved door now.

While the coach inched through the traffic jam to get out of London,
I enjoyed the pack of sushi.

A long day.

Coach trip is easier. It picked me up and dropped me off near my place.
No need to have the 4 extra legs to and from the rail stations.

In case you missed the earlier part of this day trip:





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