
FQ investment saving ISA 2

FQ investment saving ISA 2

Usually I searched using the tools of investment websites. 

While doing my study/ research, I do use a notebook. Jotting down some notes from what I saw online. 

I started off simple. 

  1. Name of funds/ stocks (equities) / trust. Be careful of very similar names. Class.  Accumulate or Income. Currency. 
  2. Returns / Performance of
  • 1 month, 6 months, YTD Year To Date, 1 year, 3 years, 
  • 5 years, 10 years. (please kindly let me know where to find 15 years data or since launch ) Then... after a few seasons, I want to find out more.
  1. What stocks are in the funds?
  2. When did the fund started? 
  3. Who is(are) the manager(s) & their background? (After some times, I would like to know more)
  4. Fees?  10K scenario fees and after-fee 5 year total return. 
  5. PE Price-Earning raio, PB Price-Book ratio, maybe PC Price-Cash ratio. 
  6. I can understand the basics of candles charts. Not interested in pure technical prediction based on patterns. 

So back to the previous example of the research of Japan funds.

Just checking long term performance ranking was a good start.
But it is better to understanding what I am buying.

Excuse me for my limited knowledge. I only know the ones circled in magenta pink.
I saw in another document that 
the Lindsell Train fund even has Calbee / Kirin in its top 10 last year. 
Maybe smart investors should or would research all the companies!?!?! 

Notes handwriting is usually messy, it is better to put the notes in a spreadsheet. 

(this is a screen shot of the notes I made which listing the top 10 stock holdings of some funds)

I did looked at what is Denso. 

And you can guess, the part below that table is the performance.
I did the notes and charts after I had bought two of the above funds at minimum requirement. 
If I have find a way to automate sourcing data...
I would like to know more including
  • 12-month high & low.  
  • Fund size. 
  • Alpha & Beta figures
  • Which country the company is in?
  • Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio... 

Disclaimer: It is not an ad. I have not received any payment from those companies. I do not know those companies or managers. 
All of above are my personal study notes in my journey of having an ISA account. 
Data will be different every day or even hours, especially the numerical data. 


FQ investment saving ISA 1

FQ. Saving/ Investing. UK  ISA (tax free) account - Stocks / Investment. 

Aim:  to save money when there is almost no interest in bank saving accounts.

I opened an account around April. Eventually now I decided to have a serious look. 

Just a personal experience. (See below for other background.) 

Problem to solve:

  1. To choose quality funds +/ equities +/ trusts to help me increase my savings
  2. while trying to choose more sustainable investment and ideally not into weapons or tobacco, etc. Not too keen on chemicals or pollution-causing industries. Ideally environmental friendly, and, or, ethical. 
  3. To know the real situation of  lossing or earning / lost or profit 

My Solutions: 

Tools: MorningStar. Trustnet. 

Originally I checked with Martin Lewis Money and chose Cavendish. But later Fidelity bought Cavendish. Anyway for the time being I use Fidelity.

Originally I use MorningStar - tools. 

📐Screeners function & 📐Investment Compare function.

Then sort long term performance, ranking "10 years" high to low. 

I jotted down my observation in a notebook. 

Only simple notes on the performance.

Later I added more info when I jotted down notes.  

Recently, I also use Trustnet which has interactive lists after a flexible search. The interface and page layout is reasonable with colour-coded graphs.

Here,  I use Japan funds as an example. (Too many UK funds or US funds to list. You can choose other regions or themes)

researching ...  
( to keep the list short, I removed some newer ones / low returns ones)

Where as MorningStar has compare function. Side by side listing.
Both short term and long term performance. 

Good to check the scenario of 10k 5 year 5% after-fees total return as an illustration. 

Problem to solve 3-  tools in Fidelity & MorningStar do not show the real situation. 

They do not cover all the fees I have paid for each funds/ equity/ trust. (as I was doing the minimum amount, buying equity and trust will have to pay a relatively high fee each time)

My solution 3. 

I have to use a spreadsheet to input my entries by hand, 

recalculate the real cost including the fees.

Then, copy & paste market value to minus the real cost to find out the answer.

Problem to solve 4

Need  automation of the tasks. 


Please kindly offer some good suggestions. 

Using MacBook Pro "Numbers" for Mac. 

No plan to use MS Office or Google Sheet at the moment.


Last year, I also try to warm up playing a timed online simulation game Telegraph Fantasy Fund of London stock market. In between April and February, I infrequently & irregularly bought something to test the water.

(Over a decade ago, I also tried the Investopedia investment game but that is USA investment.) 

Some years ago, First State was good. But then it was split, companies and personnel changed. 

Up to September it is relatively free to buy funds at the platform , and lower cost to buy stock/trust if bought via monthly saving plan. So I hope to get things establish before that. 

Next blog entries : my second part of this research about Japan funds


Simple easy meals one person for health

 For the health of myself and Earth and of animals, I try to minimise the use of utensils. Usually just one pot, one bowl. 

Usually I boiled water in low to medium heat in a glass which can stand up to 300 °C. 

Add a bit of good salt (Himalayan/ pink), 

and in goes the pasta. Frusili, mostly.

Organic is better. 

Other veg.  

Potatoes from my pot plant.

Usually I prepare in an other bowl other seasoning, freshly crushed rainbow peppercorn, sesame oil, extra virgin olive oil, etc.

Sometimes I also pre-soak wakame seaweed. Sometimes, I have my pasta serve with salted seasoned dried seaweed sheets.


There are so many international seasoning, spices, herbs, sauces to choose from international cuisines. 

Try fusion, too.

Apart from Italian sauces or Italian mixed spices, try variations of :

Shichimi powder, siracha sauce, Japanese dashi, mirin, soy sauces, Chinese 5 spices.... 

Organic pasta.

 Tricolor is nice for presentation, too.

Without egg, without milk.

Hence not egg noodle. 

Since rice grows in water paddy and odten polluted with heavy metal and harmful pollutants, I rarely have any varieties of rice products(米粉rice noodle, 河粉...) except very occasionally organic rice.

This is Japanese soba with broccoli , wakame seaweed. Cooked with crystalized ginger. Served with shichimi powder, Kikoman soya sauce, sesame oil, extra vigin olive oil, spring onion.

This one with crinkle-cut butternut squash.

Gro Incredible Burger. 
LindaMcCartney vegetarian meatballs.
Nowadays so many plant-based choices from Waitrose, Sainsburys, Marks & Spencer, Co-op ... 
I eat a lot of fruits & nuts besides cooked food.
Minimising cooked food in Summer. 
I varied and rotate my meals. Sometime just eat a good home made sandwich. I like M&S olive ciabatta rolls. Co-op olive bread and Sainsburys olive bread are also good. 

There are many variations and favour of vegan cheese  slices , 
vegan cheese spread , etc.

Not to mention organic peanut butter, other nut butter.

My Vitamin B12 come from
fortified non-dairy milk, 
and supplements.


2020 little things

 Even amidst these worldwide crisis, we shall continue to keep calm and be grateful of everything. 

I like :

White. Round/circle/sphere. 

High. Sunshine. Breeze. 

💟Ocassional change of scene is good.

A little treat .  Caring for oneself.

Allow oneself to feel joy.

🍓From my pots I planted in late Spring, 

I have a few fruit & veg. 

Small, but always thankful for the Creator. 



A friend (SH) of a teacher(SC) shared some wisdom of another teacher(H).  My thought is at the end of the article seen online.

 Jealosy · Grief · Guilt

What is Guilt?  Feel it. Is it pleasant or unpleasant? Does it makes you easeful or uneasy? Obviously it is unpleasant and uneasy. And what mental factor is this that produces such characteristic of unpleasant and uneasiness? Surely it must be aversion or dosa (Pali).
Aversion function is to dispel, to reject.
Whenever guilt arises there is this thought of “I shouldn’t have done it” or to make another guilty “he/she should not have done it” – in both cases it points to rejecting and dispelling the situation. They are very clear signs of aversion.
But aversion comes in many ways and each are unique of its own. For example, jealousy and grief is different though both have dispelling nature.
Jealousy don’t like others of having more. Grief don’t like someone is gone. So when it comes to guilt it is about “don’t like what has happened”.
Notice that in these three examples — jealousy, grief and guilt — they all have common character of dispelling. But they are different. Why so?
Let’s explore them a little more.


It has a comparing factor of others better than us. It is about not able to have (greed) possession or ownership of a certain object.


It has a comparing factor of what one have and now no more. It is about an object that it longs for (greed), or attached to, and no longer having it anymore.


It has a comparing factor of it should not have been such. It is about an action that if possible should not (greed) have been done.

All 3 are targetting at different objects and situations. And also different meanings. Because of that aversion comes in different ways, manifesting itself in different characteristics.
But beneath them all, they have the root of aversion and greed since aversion cannot arise without greed. Because of greed over an event and not able to meet its standard of expectation, aversion is its result. 
So you may ponder what is the cause of all these defilements?
A few angles to consider —
 1. The mind comes with some kind of ignorance / delusion of not understanding conditioning. Happenings is not personal. Happenings is not tailored to our wanting or not wanting. When condition is there it will happen. If condition is not there it won’t happen. Even this latter is also a type of condition. Not knowing conditionality is ignorance. Because of not knowing conditionality, delusion takes place in the mind.

2. Since all happenings are due to conditionality, nothing can be owned, not even our mind. That is a fact. Because of the mind not knowing this fact, craving arises to hold on to objects, be it person, situation or event. In this case one can notice that ignorance is very connected to craving.

3. Where there is craving or attachment, the mind is constantly expecting pleasurable feelings. Craving is always seeking for such, blind to the fact that nothing is up to craving. It will just be a matter of time aversion will occur.

And this the Buddha showed us the three defilements - delusion, greed and aversion as the culprits of suffering.

They are the cause of suffering and also the effect (experience) of suffering. Only when the mind fully understood conditionality — which can only happened with the arising of wisdom factor in the mind, these defilements will slowly end.

Wisdom can only arise due to Right Practice and that entails right information of realities that leads to seeing things correctly, or right attitude. So it is the Three Yogi Job.
If we meditate to get good experiences we will suffer too. That is because of craving.

When we try to escape from defilements we have to suffer. Defilements cannot be escaped except to be fully understood and comprehended.

So when guilt, jealousy or grief arises, we wanted to “finished them up” — we will suffer more because of dislike.

We can only use our practice, mindfully and ardently with right understanding to become aware of it. Simple, light and easy. Not pushy and wanting immediate result.

❤💭 People with different faiths try to analyse the causes of suffering, and have different solutions to solve the problems or overcome them.
I highlight some above. 

Christianity also spot those causes and warns people against them: jealosy, grief, guilt, greed, ignorance, etc.
One good thing is, Christ sacrificed himself and saves us, gives us new life when we accept Christ.  God the father, the son & the Holy Spirit are here to help us overcome those problems & temptations when we follow the wisdom and the truth in good Bible.
❤Seek wholeheartedly and the doors will open.