
FQ investment saving ISA 2

FQ investment saving ISA 2

Usually I searched using the tools of investment websites. 

While doing my study/ research, I do use a notebook. Jotting down some notes from what I saw online. 

I started off simple. 

  1. Name of funds/ stocks (equities) / trust. Be careful of very similar names. Class.  Accumulate or Income. Currency. 
  2. Returns / Performance of
  • 1 month, 6 months, YTD Year To Date, 1 year, 3 years, 
  • 5 years, 10 years. (please kindly let me know where to find 15 years data or since launch ) Then... after a few seasons, I want to find out more.
  1. What stocks are in the funds?
  2. When did the fund started? 
  3. Who is(are) the manager(s) & their background? (After some times, I would like to know more)
  4. Fees?  10K scenario fees and after-fee 5 year total return. 
  5. PE Price-Earning raio, PB Price-Book ratio, maybe PC Price-Cash ratio. 
  6. I can understand the basics of candles charts. Not interested in pure technical prediction based on patterns. 

So back to the previous example of the research of Japan funds.

Just checking long term performance ranking was a good start.
But it is better to understanding what I am buying.

Excuse me for my limited knowledge. I only know the ones circled in magenta pink.
I saw in another document that 
the Lindsell Train fund even has Calbee / Kirin in its top 10 last year. 
Maybe smart investors should or would research all the companies!?!?! 

Notes handwriting is usually messy, it is better to put the notes in a spreadsheet. 

(this is a screen shot of the notes I made which listing the top 10 stock holdings of some funds)

I did looked at what is Denso. 

And you can guess, the part below that table is the performance.
I did the notes and charts after I had bought two of the above funds at minimum requirement. 
If I have find a way to automate sourcing data...
I would like to know more including
  • 12-month high & low.  
  • Fund size. 
  • Alpha & Beta figures
  • Which country the company is in?
  • Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio... 

Disclaimer: It is not an ad. I have not received any payment from those companies. I do not know those companies or managers. 
All of above are my personal study notes in my journey of having an ISA account. 
Data will be different every day or even hours, especially the numerical data. 

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