
Even my niece is doing marketing??

These days, everyone is fighting for attention.
Even my 10-year-old niece has Youtube & Instagram.

As with her peers, they are showing off their toys.
And they still get a few dozens of views & followers.
(even though they are copycat-ing each other
 in presentations,
 & exchange
like-for-like to build up likes & followers)

(youngsters prefer communication by visuals & audio;

 related to their limited abilities in writing & reading...
and shorter attention spans)

These few months, I created more graphic images
to put on the society6 platform
which makes members' uploaded image files
into products, sell & dispatch.

So I have tried 
 to introduce more people to
my designs at the society6 website,
by Facebook, Youtube & Instagram.

So far,
Instagram helped me to reached more people than Facebook!!
   My images in Instagram,
with hashtags, each has 10-30 likes.
  My images in Facebook?
Even after I used hashtags,
chose countries & languages of audience,
each has limited number of viewers and almost zero like.

Only two of the posts have over 100 views.
Still zero like.

Doing self-marketing this way is
very time-consuming and not effective.
Global audience, time differences
& daily life schedules are affecting whether
my posts come up on their devices in time or not.

Hopefully soon more people can
appreciate my designs.

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