
faith / path

Though I know about faith, hope, love since young,
I have not become a Christian for many years.

Last Summer, a retired teacher started guiding me to read the bible ,
English Standard Version, slowly a little bit once a week,
starting from John Gospel. 

From a local fete, I got a copy of Billy Graham's booklet,
I was invited to a 7-lesson "Christianity Explored"
and got chances to ask a friendly vicar questions.
I had visited some churches to find one I feel the least resistant to.
Among the two I went to more times,
one organized a whole-church course during Lent -
"40 Days in the Word".
That is very helpful.
Devotional method. It was enjoyable to
learn how to read / use bible to a more personal degree.

Even a chance to attend a life performance
of Handel's Messiah. (selected verses)

On my way searching for
 truth, path/way, light, joy, peace, love,
I felt guided.

Including all the years of my heart-breaking experiences.
It is like His plan.

Baptized on Easter Sunday. 
The song I can think of best represent my situation
is Amazing Grace.

The Word/ the Bible/ God's teaching
become important food for thought every day...

21st century Christians are lucky to have many
resources on www, on TV, etc. 

I use different bible study websites  interactive tools
to try to understand more about the teaching/wisdom.

Before the ceremony, the pastor warned me 
that there probably will be temptations & challenges from Satan.
I had some issues.
My mentor also faced problems

Learning to overcome.

Please pray for me & my mentor.

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