
To live a long healthy life...

When we fall in love, we want to be together for a long time, right?

Is it only good lovers, fathers, mothers, grand parnets, teachers, would care to warn each other of potential danger... ? Various organisations like (USA President's Cancer Panel, European Commisson on endocrine disruptive chemicals), United Nation, top universities (like Harvard) & outspoken doctors (like Michael Dreger) have been issuing WARNINGS to people about the problems with meat, ◘ dairy, ◘ heat-treated food especially high heat,endocrine disruptive chemicals,toxins, trans tat (trans fatty acid), pesticides & herbicides like glyphosate (Round Up) nano particles & micro plastic beads, artifical colours, artificial fragrance preservatives, ... since NN years ago! Some even 30 years ago.
The writing is on the wall.
We can all do some homework, to be well-informed, change lifestyle to protect ♥ ourselves, ♥our loved ones, ♥our Earth , ♥our environment, ♥God’s creation.

Things I bear in my mind :

♠◦🔔 Processed meats

can increase the risk of conditions including ☼heart disease, ☼stroke, ☼diabetes, ☼certain cancers, and ☼early death.

🔔Heat-processed food

especially high heat, can created carcinogen acrylamide. BBQ food, baked & toasted bread, coffee, breakfast cereal,


Tap water has much more than just H2O. More like a cocktail of contaminants. It has been known that water in some big cities have found drugs, medicines & other stuff we pour into the water system. You know what they are. Do you think water companies can or bother to fully filter out or remove all chemcial contaminants? Let alone the chemical reactions of chlorine & industrial flouride with the contaminants and the copper pipes or alloy pipes, etc. I would not till the bubble being bursted to find out that you have been slowly poisoned. (The real Erin Brockovich is still busy helping people in varous cities & towns in United States against new tap water safety problems) Hundreds of fishy substances in water, in processed food... HENCE --- avoid re-boiling water because chemical compounds inside will turn into something more nasty. Do you fancy feeding your parents or kids re-boiled cocktail of arsenic, nitrates, and fluoride... ? Not keen on those electroic boiling water unit in offices or electric press-for-water jug in many homes. (many have plastic/resin tubes soaking inside in boiling water 24/7 for years) Get serious water-filter. Those with 6 , 7 layers of filters at least.

♠ Pesticides-herbicides spraying, and fracking

also cause more contimination of land and water.

♠ Land pollution & water pollution in turn pollute water-based crops like rice. There have been reports of arsenic levels of rice.

♠ Cheap white sugar

Many are from GMO sources. Sugar caused a lot of health problems.

♠ Trans Fat ( trans fatty acid )

hydrogenated fat, aritifical butter spread... they are under lots of different masks/names. They block blood vessels.


invisible, smell-able and non-smell-able ordour & fragrance, and that from many systhetic products. are invisible particles. = pollutants. Beware! Some are endocrine-disruptive. Have good ventilations.

► YOU ARE SMART, right?

♪♫ Change of diet can improve healh.

eg. Many people have reported that their illnesses including type II diabetes, clogged-arteries-related diseases, various cancers, by eating raw plant-based diet smartly in balanced way.

♪♫ Be very aware of true ingredience of

vaccines & other chemicals injected into your body like chemotherapy. Get manufacturers’ products inserts. Not the short general one for consumers. Read more about vaccine injury in different countries. Death count have been played down removing the fact that people died not long after vaccinations which caused problems.

♪♫ Maintain our bodies responsibly. Read the blueprint of real food

Increasing number of people have been recovering from long term illness after changing to raw plant-based diets.

Also, see Genesis 1:29 Food => seed-bearing plants.

OoO You know how this world are being run, right? Conglomerates are not saints. ► Be very aware of the counter attacks

from forces behind conglomerates which have been using all tactics to divert / fool/ brainwash / discredit / quiet / remove (including the horrible method) whistle-blowers, lab scientists, reporters, doctors or reports about the health risks related to their products.
If too busy to notice news or newsapaper, try to google. ♥ If you care for your survival and our world, please help inform more people to stop exploiting our Earth resources to stop harming our environment, to stop ill-treating and killing animals ... We are on the same boat called EARTH. We can change our lifestyle choices. ♥ Good health to you & your loved ones. Thanks. I am avoiding + / reducing meat(corpse), dariy products, BBQ, acrylamide, endocrine-disruptive chemicals, wheat products, rice products, food cooked non-stick products, microwaved food/drink, food with trans fat, canola oil, rapeseed oil etc.

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