
notice more difference, not be fooled...

Learnt something this Christmas,
 a time everyone had many chocolate, cakes, teas, etc.

Beyond the colourful packaging / brand names,
I have concerns about
what I really put inside my body.

From the ingredients....

Why some cakes/choc/teas are better ---
in terms of flavour/taste  and healthier....

Noticed that some cheaper ones have non-natural ingredients
substituting real things,
trying to fool us as food.

Middle and upper end market products give less man-made chemicals.

For ourselves and loved ones,
really try to read and check the ingredients.

And not be fooled by the ad-like description of product.

It might seems like a small thing like...
ginger bread chocolate without ginger
mint chocolate without mint.

Chocolate with so little cocoa?

Soon we are eating bread and cakes
 without real egg or milk or butter or flour....
but a concoction of chemical make-believe.

Hope we can all vote with our money
not to buy those which have been trying to fool us.

We'd better support good  real  healthy food, right?

I will compare ingredients of same or similar items
 of different brands of different price ranges...


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