
a Steampunk Festival 2015

A Steampunk Festival was held in Eastbourne. 
This one was coordinated by the local Bonfire Society. 
Steampunk style has influenced even Japanese animation director  Hayao Miyazaki
whose animations has steampunk elements in them.

I saw most enthusiasts were wearing periodic costumes,
black, black, black,
 with some red/purple. 
And, many metals!  
Retro-industrial mix in Victorian/Pirate era...
To me, 
the style of the costume seems interesting. 
I might have missed many as I arrived late ...
the last half hour. 
I was visiting other heritage/museums. 
As with many festivals, there was music!!

The event has two main parts.
The free events include stalls, beer tent,
 music on stage with various performances, food stalls,
 fun fair for kids, fund-raising for charity....

The ticket event is the masquerade ball in Steampunk style.

I only went to the free event part on both days during the last half an hour.
The lawn was full of people on Saturday.
The ball was held on Saturday night.
I guess some people have left by Sunday afternoon.

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