
Laptop incident: problem solved.

A little sharing.
My laptop had been out of order for over a year.
All USB ports stopped functioning.
The touch pad double-tap lock on/off did not work any more.
String noise ocassionally.
I asked various shops, 
searched internet, 
brought it to waited and asked people. 

I tried several tips found on internet but still couldn't.
Although the last person I took my laptop for him to check
 did not find cause or solution, 
the interaction prompted me to notice one thing.

 I tried to turned off blue tooth.
It solved the problems.
Except one USB port was physically out of order.
 Other two are responsive.  :)
Touch pad function normal again.
And it is quiet so far (two days now).

p.s.  some issues & further investigations,
  please see

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