
click click click and found more

www is wonderful
 where I saw people sharing
antique versions of translated bibles
page by page HD images and searchable!
 where I also saw people sharing
some of the books of bible
which were either lost or edited out
by Constantine, other monachs in Europe & the Vatican...

The Nag Hammadi Library

Hope more truth come out.

Hope the more complete teaching of Jesus come out.

Gospel/Book of Thomas,
Gospel/Book of Philip,
Gospel/Book of Mary Magdelene,
Gospel/Book of Egyptian,
Book of Truth,
Apocryphon secret book of John,
Apocryphon revelation of James,
Apocryphon revelation of Paul,
Apocryphon of Adam,
The Acts of Peter & the Twelve Apostles,
Prayer of Paul,
and many more.

Also on www,
I saw resource saying that
Jesus had lived and learned in Egypt, India and Tibet.

Nazareth Jesus & Essenes.

He could be
wearing white robes,
doing yoga,
knowing about the chakras & other esoteric stuff,
which were all edited out by the medieval kings ...

Some even said he continued to live in India
and died there many years afterwards.

Believes, Faith, Teachings,
East & West....
Hope that truth will be out and
see all religions were actually same teachings.

# many ancient religions teach about vegetarianism.

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