
Japan Centre London quick shopping

Since the coach will depart at 17:10/17:15, I had got to be quick.

There was a queue for the soft white bun with sweet red bean paste.
OK, I skipped that this time then.

I  went to the freezer/fridge to get natto.
There are products of 3 brandnames.
 I chose the orangy coloured one.
The ingredients seem slightly better.

A pack of 4.

Then I quickly walked to the back and
grabbed a few items including

Shichi-mi tōgarashi powder.

An avocado sushi pack from the food court area.

I didn't even have time to look for the Japanese free paper/magazine for local Japanese.

Queued &  paid.
Wrapped the natto well as I had  a long way to go.
Forgotten to take photograph of the natto.
But same as the one I bought last time.

There are the Santander bikes for rent outside Japan House.
But I am not sure there is dock for them near Tottenham Court Road or not.
So I skipped that.

Found my way with Google map back to Tottenham Court Road on foot. 
Walked through part of China Town.

No time to shop for the other stuff I need.
(This time I just very quickly grabbed
1 soft sweet flat sphere form of snack 
with peanut, desicated coconut  
花生糯米糍from a bakery.)

Walked passed famous Foyle Book Shop.
(see the map in previous blog entry)

Arrived in time.
Enjoyed my sushi on coach.

The coach started the return journey at 17:25. Traffic jam.

Sun set photo taken during the loo stop.

I got off the coach at 20:34.

Thanks for the day, dear God.

  : ) 

 Part 1
 Part 2
 Part 3


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