
O Holy Night

Which one do you like more? 7 versions of "Holy Night". Last night I went to a Carols by Candle Lights... I like the last song "Holy Night".   And then looked up different versions...
🎵🎶Celine Dion:

🎵🎶 Mariah Carey :

🎵🎶 King's College choir of Cambridge:

🎵🎶 Classical music instrumental :

🎵🎶 Famous Italian singers,  duo :

🎵🎶Michael Ball  (the last song in this video  (the clip also has "Hark the Herald Angel Sing " & others)

🎵🎶Andrea Bocelli




O Holy Night!
 The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining.
Till He appeared and the Spirit felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.

💕Fall on your knees!

 Oh, hear the angel voices!
O night divine, the night when Christ was born;
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!💕

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
O'er the world a star is sweetly gleaming,
Now come the wisemen from out of the Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our friends.
He knows our need, our weakness is no stranger,
Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!
Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!
Truly He taught us to love one another,
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother.
And in his name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With all our hearts we praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
His power and glory ever more proclaim!


Background / Song composer 

The words and lyrics of the old carol 'O Holy Night' were written by Placide Cappeau de Roquemaure in 1847. Cappeau was a wine seller by trade but was asked by the parish priest to write a poem for Christmas. He wrote the beautiful words of the hymn but then realised that it should have music to accompany the words. He approached his friend Adolphe Charles Adams(1803-1856). The music for the poem was therefore composed by Adolphe Charles Adams.  It was translated into English by John Sullivan Dwight (1812-1893)

French lyrics

Minuit, chrétiens,
C'est l'heure solennelle
Ou l'Homme Dieu descendit jusqu'à nous
Pour effacer la tache originelle
Et de Son Père arrêter le courroux.
Le monde entier tressaille d'espérance
En cette nuit qui lui donne un Sauveur.
Peuple a genoux, attends ta délivrance!
Noel! Noel! Voici le Rédempteur!
Noel! Noel! Voici le Rédempteur!

Le Rédempteur
A brise toute entrave:
La terre est libre et le ciel est ouvert.
Il voit un Frère ou n'était qu'un esclave,
L'amour unit ceux qu'enchainait le fer.
Qui Lui dira notre reconnaissance?
C'est pour nous tous qu'Il nait,
Qu'Il souffre et meurt.
Peuple debout, chante ta délivrance!
Noel! Noel! Chantons le Rédempteur!
Noel! Noel! Chantons le Rédempteur!


To live a long healthy life...

When we fall in love, we want to be together for a long time, right?

Is it only good lovers, fathers, mothers, grand parnets, teachers, would care to warn each other of potential danger... ? Various organisations like (USA President's Cancer Panel, European Commisson on endocrine disruptive chemicals), United Nation, top universities (like Harvard) & outspoken doctors (like Michael Dreger) have been issuing WARNINGS to people about the problems with meat, ◘ dairy, ◘ heat-treated food especially high heat,endocrine disruptive chemicals,toxins, trans tat (trans fatty acid), pesticides & herbicides like glyphosate (Round Up) nano particles & micro plastic beads, artifical colours, artificial fragrance preservatives, ... since NN years ago! Some even 30 years ago.
The writing is on the wall.
We can all do some homework, to be well-informed, change lifestyle to protect ♥ ourselves, ♥our loved ones, ♥our Earth , ♥our environment, ♥God’s creation.

Things I bear in my mind :

♠◦🔔 Processed meats

can increase the risk of conditions including ☼heart disease, ☼stroke, ☼diabetes, ☼certain cancers, and ☼early death.

🔔Heat-processed food

especially high heat, can created carcinogen acrylamide. BBQ food, baked & toasted bread, coffee, breakfast cereal,


Tap water has much more than just H2O. More like a cocktail of contaminants. It has been known that water in some big cities have found drugs, medicines & other stuff we pour into the water system. You know what they are. Do you think water companies can or bother to fully filter out or remove all chemcial contaminants? Let alone the chemical reactions of chlorine & industrial flouride with the contaminants and the copper pipes or alloy pipes, etc. I would not till the bubble being bursted to find out that you have been slowly poisoned. (The real Erin Brockovich is still busy helping people in varous cities & towns in United States against new tap water safety problems) Hundreds of fishy substances in water, in processed food... HENCE --- avoid re-boiling water because chemical compounds inside will turn into something more nasty. Do you fancy feeding your parents or kids re-boiled cocktail of arsenic, nitrates, and fluoride... ? Not keen on those electroic boiling water unit in offices or electric press-for-water jug in many homes. (many have plastic/resin tubes soaking inside in boiling water 24/7 for years) Get serious water-filter. Those with 6 , 7 layers of filters at least.

♠ Pesticides-herbicides spraying, and fracking

also cause more contimination of land and water.

♠ Land pollution & water pollution in turn pollute water-based crops like rice. There have been reports of arsenic levels of rice.

♠ Cheap white sugar

Many are from GMO sources. Sugar caused a lot of health problems.

♠ Trans Fat ( trans fatty acid )

hydrogenated fat, aritifical butter spread... they are under lots of different masks/names. They block blood vessels.


invisible, smell-able and non-smell-able ordour & fragrance, and that from many systhetic products. are invisible particles. = pollutants. Beware! Some are endocrine-disruptive. Have good ventilations.

► YOU ARE SMART, right?

♪♫ Change of diet can improve healh.

eg. Many people have reported that their illnesses including type II diabetes, clogged-arteries-related diseases, various cancers, by eating raw plant-based diet smartly in balanced way.

♪♫ Be very aware of true ingredience of

vaccines & other chemicals injected into your body like chemotherapy. Get manufacturers’ products inserts. Not the short general one for consumers. Read more about vaccine injury in different countries. Death count have been played down removing the fact that people died not long after vaccinations which caused problems.

♪♫ Maintain our bodies responsibly. Read the blueprint of real food

Increasing number of people have been recovering from long term illness after changing to raw plant-based diets.

Also, see Genesis 1:29 Food => seed-bearing plants.

OoO You know how this world are being run, right? Conglomerates are not saints. ► Be very aware of the counter attacks

from forces behind conglomerates which have been using all tactics to divert / fool/ brainwash / discredit / quiet / remove (including the horrible method) whistle-blowers, lab scientists, reporters, doctors or reports about the health risks related to their products.
If too busy to notice news or newsapaper, try to google. ♥ If you care for your survival and our world, please help inform more people to stop exploiting our Earth resources to stop harming our environment, to stop ill-treating and killing animals ... We are on the same boat called EARTH. We can change our lifestyle choices. ♥ Good health to you & your loved ones. Thanks. I am avoiding + / reducing meat(corpse), dariy products, BBQ, acrylamide, endocrine-disruptive chemicals, wheat products, rice products, food cooked non-stick products, microwaved food/drink, food with trans fat, canola oil, rapeseed oil etc.


A quick visit to a plant-based themed small expo in Brighton vegan festival

Personally I had been to art & craft expo, design expo, motor industry expo, pharmaceutical expo.  Often expo-goers can see /experience/ taste things way before the mass see them in high syrret shops/ supermarkets.  Nice😄

Since I may not be travelling to London for the big one mext month, so, on Saturday I went briefly to the small one organised by Viva!

Hilton Metropole Brighton.

 It has catering hall, talks and many different kinds of stalls in the large hall.
 Not too big - a comfortable size.  
I got some nice stuff.

I only managed to go there around 4 pm. Official entrance fee on the door is a fiver. But there were early birds tickets & other packages.  

(No need to walk all the way from hotel main entrance.  Use the side entrance from Cannon Street  to the exhibition hall.)

To avoid missing things out, and to prevent impulse buying, I started with a quick walk through. Then I got a mixed fruit juice before revisited some stalls. 

I could not buy everything I was interested in but good to see interesting things. 

The guy at the artisan green tea and macha stall  gave me 2 magazines😄 which he got from other stalls.  So as a recipocate gesture, I bought a pair of wooden chopsticks from his stall. (I could not drink tea that quick after the juice)  That stall sells nice glass tea pots, ceramic tea cups, too. And macha protein balls.

 In the 2 magazines,  and the official Viva magazine(not photoed), there are lots of recipes and useful informations.

I only bought a Spanish ceramic grating dish, and a natural hand-made shampoo soap bar.  Ha!

Another thing I surprisedyself is I only picked up a leaflet or two, plus, from the general area outside the hall a Great Taste Book 2017-18.

Many people have misconceptions about vegan "festivals" . They are basically another themed expositions (expo) , or  exhibitions ,  where products, services & talks , music, etc, took place. 

👫Who are interested in such event?

Those who care about
🌳Health, youth, beauty, healing.
🌳 Envirnoment
🌳 Spiritual & religious purity,
virtues & integrity
🌳 Catering / beverage

Diary-free egg-free versions
of chocolate, cakes & desserts...
Kind products...

And naturally , related  businesses showcase their products & services under one roof. Handy, isn't it?
The first time I tried plant based and raw vegan stuff was about 9 or 10 years ago from a particulat pioneering group far away from where I live. Not much choices in where I lived.

Isn't it that such "festival",  or expo , a nice way to see things outside high street shops and see beyond the limitations of average supermarket? 💡

😄Good to see more plant-based food, drinks, snacks, etc , are reaching different supermarkets & shops this year.

❤May all people live a healthy life with plant-based food.


Japan Centre London quick shopping

Since the coach will depart at 17:10/17:15, I had got to be quick.

There was a queue for the soft white bun with sweet red bean paste.
OK, I skipped that this time then.

I  went to the freezer/fridge to get natto.
There are products of 3 brandnames.
 I chose the orangy coloured one.
The ingredients seem slightly better.

A pack of 4.

Then I quickly walked to the back and
grabbed a few items including

Shichi-mi tōgarashi powder.

An avocado sushi pack from the food court area.

I didn't even have time to look for the Japanese free paper/magazine for local Japanese.

Queued &  paid.
Wrapped the natto well as I had  a long way to go.
Forgotten to take photograph of the natto.
But same as the one I bought last time.

There are the Santander bikes for rent outside Japan House.
But I am not sure there is dock for them near Tottenham Court Road or not.
So I skipped that.

Found my way with Google map back to Tottenham Court Road on foot. 
Walked through part of China Town.

No time to shop for the other stuff I need.
(This time I just very quickly grabbed
1 soft sweet flat sphere form of snack 
with peanut, desicated coconut  
花生糯米糍from a bakery.)

Walked passed famous Foyle Book Shop.
(see the map in previous blog entry)

Arrived in time.
Enjoyed my sushi on coach.

The coach started the return journey at 17:25. Traffic jam.

Sun set photo taken during the loo stop.

I got off the coach at 20:34.

Thanks for the day, dear God.

  : ) 

 Part 1
 Part 2
 Part 3


Japan House London visit part 3

Then I went up to the ground floor and browse around the museum-like shop...

Hand-made brooms.

Products from different companies.

Then I see more of the works by that copperware/metalware studio.
(small exhibition of Gyokusen Do)

A bigger pot next to this display has  price tag in 5 digit of GBP.
But it is a craft work or even art with copper, silver, gold.

A book of the craftsmaster's works

For more details of his work and the studio:
That is from the website of that copperware studio.

It is nothing like my original itinerary of the day trip,
but I really appreciate it ---
as I have been yearning for art-craft-design activities.
 ( well, I like glass and metal )

Due to the time limit, I found the bus stop for bus number 9.
This bus goes pass Kensington Garden which is near the Kensington Palace,
and Hyde Park. I should visit them next year or so.

The bus also went pass Royal Albert Hall.

 Seen while I was on bus...
Didn't see the name.

Got off the bus at Trafalgar Square.
Walked pass the Canada House, National Gallery.

National Gallery & St.Martin-in-the-field church.

My 2nd target today -- Japan Centre.
I wanted to get some food grocery there.

Part 4

Part 1
Part 2

Japan House London visit part 2

It’s my first time to Japan House (near High Street Kensington station) since its opening this year.

It is a museum-like shop of Japanese items of national level craftsmanship.

It is free to visit. On the left inside, it is a mini indoor garden with a tree.
It is demonstrating traditional skill of supporting tree trunks with wood & ropes.

Browsing around the ground floor area is delightful.

I didn't visit the authentic Japanese restaurant upstair.

   Though I can not attend demonstrations / talks by the top Japanese professional craftsmen due to timing/distance, it is still nice to see a small exhibition - of the metal works by one of Japan's national cultural heritage - copperware craftsman 目玉宣夫* of, &, 玉川堂 (Gyokusen do).

     He & his work won a silver award in 1910 British-Japanese exhibition in London.
It is impressive that the Japanese keeps the diploma paper well and after 2018-1910 = 108 years later they brought the diploma back to England to be part of the exhibition.

    I knew their different workshops were and are full for these past 2 weeks and that day.
(The email reply I got said so)  Still, I tried to go in to observe the workshop.
I tried to get on the walk-in waiting list.  They have interpretors.

     The Japanese craftsmen of 玉川堂(Gyokusen do) travelled from Japan to UK.

The staff took me to pay and then I joined in.

    Step by step guides and examples.

Tools and materials are provided

Impressed by their professionalism.
They take their craft & craftsmanship seriously. The organisers are good to arrange such cultural events for a nominal fee only...

      Grateful for God's arrangement to let me enjoy a mini copper workshop  headed by a professional craftsman and manager/boss (?)  (They were cousins and related to the craftwman mentioned above)  from Gyokusen Do who flew from Japan.

Back to Part 1

Part 3

Part 4

Japan House London visit Part1

My coping strategy is usually fill my days with adventure of some sort.
A few weeks ago I booked a coach day-trip to London. 

In the morning it rained and have traffic jams along the way.

Arriving late in London Tottenham Court Road near the Planet Organic.
I walked towards Goodge Station having walked passed places
 where I can see Japanese food .

Usually I would have spent at least half an hour in Muji and maybe longer in Planet Organic.

(screen captured from google map )

(need to use underground route map)

I have forgotten to bring my Oyster card
(stored value card for London public transportation)

With the self-service ticketing machine,
after checking how much it is to get return ticket (almost GBP10)
and how much it is to get a new Oyster card (GBP5),
 I bought a new card,
with extra GBP5 to store in it. (enough for the journey I need)

Destination : the nearest station : High Street Kensington.
(Yeah , Kensington, but that is a big area)

Well, I picked up an underground route map ...
and still lost some time inside them maze!!

Need to be careful which way each time you find a platform and get on a train.

Anyway I got there.

Walked passed Marks & Spencer and it's easy to find.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Victorian explorers fantasy

This year, nearby steampunk festival- lovely weather... I like to see the Victorian explorer themed dress up cosplay. Of course, each fesrival come with stores, food, drink, ice-cream... 2018.09.08 &09 Saturday & Sunday.

This collage below is from www. 
Because I could only be there for 45 minutes. 

 I did not dress up. Only went there with the colour scheme  ...  and a classic nostalgic cardigan with beast tooth-shaped buttons. Maybe one day  when I met friends who like cosplay...


protein snack cocoa chia nut seeds vegetarian

Neat adaptation of cocoa protein balls.
No baking required.

I built upon a pack by Sarah Wilson.
Faster & easier.

I replaced the dessicated coconut coating with something else ...and not in ball form.

Instead of rice malt syrup,
I used unrefined cane sugar.
 I added other ingredients.

A few were not in the photo though.
What did I used?

A pack of no sugar no oil protein ball mix pack.

1, Instead of coconut oil,
I used coconut butter, 2/5 of a 200g pack.
Melt over very gentle heat.

2, Adding in light unrefined muscavado cane sugar.

3. Adding in 75% of the pack.

4. Adding in boiling water.
    Upto 1/2 pint ( 235ml).

5. Mixed well.  Off fire. Let it cool.

6. Mixed these nuts & seeds:
Almonds & peanuts(crushed)
roasted sesame seeds,
poppy seeds,
cocoa nibs.
😄Sprinkle on cupcake cases.

Optional: use cocoa powder .
(& then on top of mixture later)

7. Using spoon to place the mixture onto cupcake cases. 😉
( I do not want to form balls with my fingers or hands.
 You might opt for auto-release ice-cream scoop)

8. Dusting the outside with a mix of
organic cocoa powder &
light muscovado unrefined cane sugar.

9. Pressed/shaped with the back of tea-spoons.


It is vegetarian.
The pack said gluten-free.

 The pack I bought contained :
coconut flour,
whey protein concentrate (powder) from milk,
Chia seeds,
raw cocoa powder.
The pack was 270g but I used 75%.


Inuyasha Kagome and Light

Not only an entertainment.

Watched the famous Japanese period drama time-travel fantasy saga
 "Inuyasha" (animation version & 4 movies)
 twice, many years apart.

Facing and overcoming the demon's evil cunning plots, temptations, illustions
which intended to cause doubts, fear, anger, hatre,
the leading female character Kagome,
 relies on her ability to distinguish what is right and wrong,
 sense of justice / righteousness,
the faith in victory for the justice & truth,
the love and faith/trust in family, friends, loved ones, 
her pure heart, her faith, hope, love.

(In that story, many parties tried to snatch the enchanted jewel,
which is the combination of various virtues or power of human souls:
love, family/friendship, bravery, wisdom )

It (and our heart)...
~ is powerful; can be whole and can be shattered.
~ might be tainted/polluted, it can be purified.

Devil/demons often try to fight against God and try to oppress the Truth.

Whenever we get nearer to the  Truth,
devils often try to to destroy/undermine our lives.

In English, there is a saying "heart of gold".
Golden heart?
A kind considerate loving heart.

The beauty of real gold...
pure, true, precious, shinny.

Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the LORD tests the heart.
Steel takes many many strokes to be refined and strenghtened.

When faced with adversities, many people easily cry out how poorly they are, even blaming God.

Maybe now we can try to see, life is like a do-jo, a place to practise a place for tests and examinations.

Light and darkness is often used as allegories for good and evil or truth and lie.

In Bible, we are told to shine and lit up the world.(Matthew 5:14-16)
There are simile and metaphor that "churches" are like well-lit lamp stands.
(and our bodies are temples)

There are crown of glory, crown of joy, crown of hope, crown of righteousness
Also we are told that we will get crown of glory.

Loving our God, following HIS teaching,
Loving our people,
let God and the Holy Spirit be with us,
facing and overcoming adversity/temptations/tests,
eventually we will get the crown of glory.
crown of light....

Getting it? How?

Given by God as reward?

Is it possible that
we eventually emit from ourselves from our heart the light?

In darkness, good to have light.

To find light?
The ability to see light?

Of course we can ask GOD to shine His light on us.
Yet, GOD also asked us to shine!

The light of hope,
The light of joy,
The light of love,
the light of truth,
the light of human souls,
the light of holyness...
The fruits of the Holy Spirit are:
joy (gladness),
patience (an even temper, forbearance),
gentleness (meekness, humility),
self-control (self-restraint, continence).

(ref: Galatians5:22-23)

When we bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit,
be near to God, be like God,

we will have crown of glory ,
we will have light...

(note: in the story of Inuyasha,
the author designed the leading female character
 to have the ability to sense/see the presence of the enchanted jewel,
and, the ability to purify it.
She also learned later in the story
how to merge tiny pieces of it into bigger ones. )
  When faced with
 temptations and trials,

will we become more like
heirs of GOD,

puppets of devil?

AND, in the story, felt into a trap by the evil enemy,
Kagome was lost in a virtual reality typical daily life,
forgetting all about the stuff with Inuyasha,
the jewel and the friends, her mission and role.
She sensed vaguely something is not right.
She had to kept asking "who am I?"

Luckily with some help,
 she remembered and woke up to her identity.

amidst temptation and plots to distract us or fool us ...
let us remember / relearn / find out
our true identities.

Kagome's mother named her after 6 point star.
Kagome's previous life Kikyou means 5 point star.
And people know God's chosen people in Israel often show 6 point star - the star of David.

In our world,
there are people trying to share/teach/inspire us what and how-tos.
Not just the traditional ways of family teaching, textbooks or church sermons.
More likely , in stories, fictions, books, songs, TV, animations, movies, etc.
They might be under the cover of fantasy, sci-fi,
even magic or popular occult-like elements, etc.
For example,
"The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis.
That one has Christianity in it.
Media and outward elements is just something to get people's notice and interest.
Animation can be used to teach serious history, philosophy and Bible.
BTW, even "Cardcaptor Sakura" has interesting things  in it.


lazy healthy fast food veg fruit smoothies

Not beer. Nutritious. Great for busy city life. Very fast. Quick to be prepared. Fat free. Help to slim.

Just put in powerful blender
 for less than 30 to 40 seconds.

Seeded grapes🍇,
sweet bell pepper,
1 mixed leaves salad bowl (which has cherry tomato, onion rings)
 extra herbs,
 lentil shoots,
filtered water.
Ginger is optional.

🍷enjoy slowly😄 Nutritious👍❤

Good for you & your loved ones.

Then, the water you use to
rinse the blender & glass ...
keep & use for your plant.

⁉❓❔Why is it better?❔❓⁉

Usually people put in too many sauces, seasoning & oil in salad.
Juicing removed the dietary fibre.

Fruit veg smoothies make life simple & healthy😄



Misunderstood. That is what I feel when I read how our God & our Saviour Jesus Christ (Yeshu/Joshua) had experienced in the biblical time.

Anyway, communication is a very delicate thing that need high levels of competence , intelligence, plus the science & art of how to avoid communication breakdown. Text communication easily caused problems. Translated text and translated ancient text even more problems.

1 of the typical examples,
when God & Jesus talked about kingdom, people, there, back then, imagined it would be Earthly political power kind of thing, to defeat invaders & restore political authority.

Did the trinity God know the levels of comprehension & misunderstanding?

Mordern days, almost every city people know and even have to do some marketing. Marketing keywords / marketing talk ?

Anyway, what we can now make use of are the many translations, and to pray that the Holy Spirit guide us to understand better.

Credit, image created with 
YouVersion Bible app. Mark 8:35. AMPC.

Ever wonder,
the Trinity God
 come to visit us in this era, 
how would 
present & preach
 the Truth, the Way, the Life? 

simple meals in Winter

Different combinations of tricolor pasta, vegetables, seasonings, herbs & spices...
... chilli sesame oil, very good olive oil.
This 1st one is lazy. 
The flavour come from the 5-bean ready pot.

For soup type,
 Different herbs are added before serving.
Beans, fine raw carrot.

Sweet potatoes, butternut squash.
 Asperagus tips are added before serving...

Veg salad. Olives. 

Dessert drink ....
hopefully I can find
 a plant-based version soon.
(That was bought months ago)

Some dishes above have
 seaweed & Japanese miso soup
 in them.
And these are apart from
 the many fruits I have eaten.

Organic wedges tasty wholemeal bread with chocolate peanut butter spread

Guess what are in them?  I put in
 🍫chocolate spread &
Organic peanut butter.

🍞Organic seeded wholemeal bread

Supposedly,  very little pesticide & herbicide. 

Millet, sunflower seeds, linseed, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds... 

3 hour slow proofing/slow rise by Cranks. 
Traditional ingredient:  yeast & vinegar.

No hydrolised fat or oil or butter.

Organic wholemmeal Cranks exSeedingly Tasty Bread ?
 ...er... I mostly avoid wheat & rice.
 But occassionally I had a little bit,
 especially if organic versions are available with other goodies. Vegetarian. 
10.2g protein per 100g. 

Among pre-packaged mass-produced food processed with high heat , the amount of cancer-causing chemical acrylamid in most bread are much lower than chips, crisps, coffee, morning cereals, etc.

There is tiny amount of milk single cream in the chocolate spread.