

It is highly likely that I am not alone in such situation.  This is what happened today.....

I bought some good non-gluten cakes from a nice restaurant to take away. In the carrier bag I also put in a luxury box of mixed filled dates bought earlier.

When I was almost there(on bus), I were trying to text them about my arrival.

But as I was hurrying to get off the bus from the upper deck.... I left the bag of gifts on the bus.

So when I arrived my sister's place, I had nothing to give to them and her parents-in-law.  (T.T)

I have to learn the lesson:

SMS / whatsapp /Facebook  while on public transport had caused people missing the intended stop or left something... 


Lewes 2015-05

In a charming little town Lewes which is built on a small hill, we spent a few good several hours  there on a holiday. This old town has historic events and old buildings to see.
Lewes Castle.

(A Polish girl I met in an international function (organized by some Christian volunteers)  invited me to join her friends to visit it together.)

We tried to see as much as possible.
Roads are mostly narrow and have slopes.

An old church became a shop.

 We got a local map from tourist information centre.
Then we walked to the Lewes Castle which was built after 1066 and kept expanding till the 14th century.


Lovely iris of different colours.

We then walked along the town and streets.

Most shop on the old main road/street did not open.
This old building has an old book shop which sell old books. It was opened.

On a downhill steep cobble road, we seen a small religious building.

We went to see Anne of Cleves House.
 King Henry gave his ex-wife, a house in 1540.
Tudor times.

It seems small but it has a cafe with garden seats.
Though it has museum inside, we didn't go in.

We walked through an old garden. Pity that they removed the fountain.
The waterworks and mini canal in it no more water.

We walked to the town cross the river, browsed around.
Harveys, the local brewery museum/shop closed on this holiday.

The Polish girls are fasting for a religious purpose till 20:30.
So, we had a healthy green juice. No from frozen pieces. Good.

We walked past many old buildings.
Back then, even the iron work for a lamp is so well-designed and made.

Interesting sun dials/ clocks.
Although sun dials cannot tell the time when there is no sun light,
and thatthey cannot tell artificial Summer Time.
they are still much more interesting than the boring modern clocks in busy cities.

Memorial for soldiers who fought in World War.

Then we went to the Pells. A small canal/lake.

No swan but still a quite nice place. People came to picnic.
Modern white bread is too bad even for water fowls there.

Lewes has farmers' market on the first Saturday each month.

Afterwards, they also invited to play some board games at one of their home.
I had not played board games for probably decades!
Why not?

It was my first time playing Pictionary.
And I had forgotten how to play UNO . I didn't know the game spoon.


Sunday day out

Where to go on Sunday?

First, I didn't find what I need in a store but tried to see the small gardening part .
Interesting play house/hut in garden. Not just sheds.

Took another bus to the nearest harbour.
Hey, music... a group was dancing.

Big fish in water!

Bought a pack of nice snack.

Another bus to a park.
Noticed there is some fun fair over the other side of the par near the seashore.
Only on special days like this long weekend I guess.

Canada Goose, Mallard, Mute Swan, Tufted Duck, Coot, Moorhen, Cormorant...
and sea gulls....
I didn't know all these names. Learning from the information board there.
Hope I soon have friends and ideally good partner... to go places. Sometimes it is better to go places with people.... Sunday bus service is very infrequent. Better go by car.


Brighton ... a few hours

These two viewed from the window
of the bus passing by
the Brighton Sealife Centre & Brighton Pier.

Brighton Clock Tower.

2015 Brighton Fringe... Fringe City is a small part of thousands of events in May.
Cabaret, Drama, dances, music, comedy, gigs, street performances, visual arts, etc.

This town has over 300 000 people of all nationality.
2 universities and many colleges & schools.
Many international students, visitors, tourists, immigrants & workers from EU & other parts of the world.

Over 40% of population has a bachelor degree or above.
(academic qualification/education standard)
Many restaurants and shops cater for
vegetarian +/ vegan +/ raw vegan +/
organic vegetarian/ organic raw vegan diets...

The best free sugar I have ever had is from this
Infinity Foods Kitchen. Fair Trade Organic Raw Cane Sugar!!
Infinity Foods Kitchen, Loving Hut, Wai Kika Moo Kau, etc.

Also there are more shops selling 
healthy, ethical, environmental-friendly,

vegetarian/vegan +/ organic
So glad.
More educated / informed people / awaken people / truth-seekers here.

Many magazines on vegetarian / vegan diet/recipes, etc.

Itsu has many salads, soups, Japanese food.
Takeaway bento boxes.

 Many interesting shops in the Kensington Garden, North Lane, Church street, etc.

A touch of humour and fun --
 the pub is named "The Office"

Nowadays difficult to find good art material shop.
 (many closed due to internet & cheap stuff importers)
 There is one in Brighton --Bond Street!