
Brighton ... a few hours

These two viewed from the window
of the bus passing by
the Brighton Sealife Centre & Brighton Pier.

Brighton Clock Tower.

2015 Brighton Fringe... Fringe City is a small part of thousands of events in May.
Cabaret, Drama, dances, music, comedy, gigs, street performances, visual arts, etc.

This town has over 300 000 people of all nationality.
2 universities and many colleges & schools.
Many international students, visitors, tourists, immigrants & workers from EU & other parts of the world.

Over 40% of population has a bachelor degree or above.
(academic qualification/education standard)
Many restaurants and shops cater for
vegetarian +/ vegan +/ raw vegan +/
organic vegetarian/ organic raw vegan diets...

The best free sugar I have ever had is from this
Infinity Foods Kitchen. Fair Trade Organic Raw Cane Sugar!!
Infinity Foods Kitchen, Loving Hut, Wai Kika Moo Kau, etc.

Also there are more shops selling 
healthy, ethical, environmental-friendly,

vegetarian/vegan +/ organic
So glad.
More educated / informed people / awaken people / truth-seekers here.

Many magazines on vegetarian / vegan diet/recipes, etc.

Itsu has many salads, soups, Japanese food.
Takeaway bento boxes.

 Many interesting shops in the Kensington Garden, North Lane, Church street, etc.

A touch of humour and fun --
 the pub is named "The Office"

Nowadays difficult to find good art material shop.
 (many closed due to internet & cheap stuff importers)
 There is one in Brighton --Bond Street!

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