

I love seafood, especially authentic Japanese sashimi, etc.
 For cooked ones, eels, cods, trouts, haddocks,mackerels, salmons,
fresh baby mussels, fresh oysters, crabs, crayfish, prawns, etc.

For British fish & chips,
I remove the outer batter, which only served as a protective layer for cooking and preserving the juiciness of the fish from the oil. 

Just eat the white fish.

Like many people, I have been eating red meat for  a few decades. 

Not easy to switch to vegetarian or vegan over night. 

But I have decided to gradually change my diet. 

I want to live longer healthy life.

Ever heard of "semi-vegetarian"?

Pescetarian eat also seafood.
Pollotarian eats also game/poultry.
Pollo-pescetarian also eat seafood and poultry, that is mostly white meat.

Not vegetarian but maybe transitional steps? 

First I had tried my best to stop eating the flesh of four-legged animals.

Especially those which eyes, face, expressions, emotions, brain and heart, even tears.

I can reduce game/poultry (chicken) to almost once a week.

Have you watched the extremely popular lecture by Gary Yourofsky on Youtube?
xxxx thousands people watched that already. 

Many people start considering changing diet because of that. 


( feedback welcomed )