
2015-05-23 March Against Monsanto

Would you help protect our food, our Earth?
2015.05.23 global march against Monsanto, GMO,  Roundup & glyphosate (horrible herbicide)
Why are we being forced feed GMO and herbicides hidden in ingredients in our food?
We want the right to know, the right to protect our Earth & loved ones.
BTW, a dozen of the high level people got into USA government influencing the
policies, loosen the laws and standard for food safety concerning GMO & herbicides all for the benefits of the biochemistry corporations who are doing big business around the world. 
Yes, they are everywhere. Most countries. 
We need to fight for our rights to know & our rights to choose.
Please share in all social media platforms. 
Mainstream media related to big corporations rarely report it. Thx.

Monsanto, Dupont, Syngenta, Bayer... 
polluting land, water, biosphere, killing bees, harming human & Earth.

p.s.  please go to March Against Monsanto's website or FB site
to see how thousands and thousands of people fight to protect our food & Earth & our loved one.
See pictures around USA, Europe, different continents, etc.



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